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Menopause Survey

By Kate Irvine


Hello Ladies.

Thank you for taking the time to help me with this survey, which is an attempt to find out how women really feel about the peri-menopause and menopause and is meant to be discursive, rather than just a data collection process.

I would love to know what aspects of the Big M you found (or are finding) the most difficult, whether you felt you could discuss it with anyone, and whether you had any help getting through it. In truth, I want to know everything you feel has been important or relevant to you during this stage of your life (be it positive or negative), and I hope to be able to use the information you give me to help other women in the future.

Where appropriate, please answer the questions as fully as possible (the response boxes should expand to accommodate your answer), and if you have the time, and would be prepared to discuss any aspects in more detail,  please do contact me at the e-mail address here.

Thank you.

Kate Irvine

This survey is completely anonymous and confidential. I won’t know who you are unless you choose to give me your contact details or e-mail me (which I hope some of you will!).

If you are prepared to discuss your experience of the menopause with me in more detail, either in person or via email, please leave your contact information at the bottom of the survey below, otherwise please leave those fields blank.

Menopause Survey
If no, please put N/A
If yes, please put N/A
Please only fill out this section if you are happy to talk about the survey in more detail
Please only fill out this section if you are happy to talk about the survey in more detail
Please only fill out this section if you are happy to talk about the survey in more detail

I promise that everything you say will be completely confidential.

I will not pass on your details to any third party for any purpose whatsoever without your permission

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on  

Thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey, and I hope to be in touch with you again soon.